Esqueda Class Settlement

Rogelio Esqueda v. Kinecta Federal Credit Union
United States District Court, Central District of California
Case No. 2:24-cv-03697-WLH (BFM)

You may be a member of the settlement class in Rogelio Esqueda v. Kinecta Federal Credit Union, Case No. 2:24-cv-03697-WLH (BFM), in which the plaintiff alleges that defendant Kinecta Federal Credit Union (“Defendant”) violated the federal Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the California Unruh Civil Rights Act because it had a policy of denying Financial Products to applicants based on their alienage or immigration status. Defendant denies the Plaintiff’s claims but has decided to settle to avoid the time and expense of litigation. If you are a Class Member and if the Settlement is approved, you may be entitled to receive a check in the amount of $2,500 from a total settlement fund of $77,500.

The Court has preliminarily approved this settlement. It will hold a Final Approval Hearing in this case on May 30, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. At that hearing, the Court will consider the following: (1) whether to grant final approval to the settlement; (2) whether to approve Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees, estimated to be $50,000 (3) whether to approve a $5,000 service award for the Named Plaintiff; and (4) whether to approve the cost of an administrator to implement the settlement, which are estimated to be $13,000. All fees and costs are being paid by Defendant in addition to the total settlement fund. Defendant has agreed not oppose Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees and costs up to $50,000.

If you do not want to participate in this settlement—meaning you do not want to receive a check payment and preserve your right to sue Defendant individually—you may exclude yourself by mailing or emailing an opt-out request by no later than April 14, 2025 to the Settlement Administrator at the following address: Esqueda v Kinecta Federal Credit Union, c/o RG/2 Claims Administration LLC, P.O. Box 59479, Philadelphia, PA 19102-9479 or at Or you can submit an opt out request electronically here by April 14, 2025. If you do not opt-out and the Court grants final approval of the settlement, then you will receive an individual settlement payment by check, and you will give up any claims that you may have against Defendant that are alleged in the Complaint in this case.

If you want to object to this settlement, or any part of it, because you think it is not fair, adequate, or reasonable, you may object by mailing or emailing an objection to the Settlement Administrator or by electronically submitting an objection using the objection form here. Your objection must be sent or submitted by April 14, 2025. If your objection is overruled, then you will receive an individual settlement payment by check and you will give up any claims you have against Defendant that are alleged in the Complaint in this case.

Your options are explained in the Notice. This is only a summary of the proposed settlement. For the precise terms and conditions of the settlement, please see the Settlement Agreement and Release. Alternatively, you can contact the Settlement Administrator or Class Counsel.

Do not contact the Court directly about this Settlement or this Notice.